Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

Creative Outlit. Outlit. Like literature? Get it? Yes, I know, I'm very clever. Of course, I couldn't actually spell "literature", so maybe I'm not that clever...

Let's try this again, shall we? Welcome to the first post of my blog. As you have no doubt guessed by this point, this is the first time I've ever done this. I suppose it would be to my greatest advantage to tell anyone who might be reading this a little about myself, and why I feel that I'm qualified to write a blog. (Spoiler Alert: It's not because I'm good at spelling). Well, while I have no doubt that you'll get to know me very well over the course of my writing, the truth is that I'm probably not qualified to write a blog. I know the basic rules of the English language (okay, maybe a little more than the basics), but I'm no English major. Nor am I positive that I have anything interesting to say. But that's sort of why I started this blog in the first place. Because I've come to a point in my life where I need to know what I'm made of. I need to know what I have inside me, hidden from my family, my friends, and even myself. I've blamed other people for my failings almost all my life, and, truth be told, sometimes I was right. But I've recently decided that it doesn't matter what parts of me are the product of other people, and what parts are my own doing. Because the only way things are going to change for me is if I decide to change them.

And so we come to my blog. I don't know where my life is going from here. I know where I'd like it to go. I know that I would love to become an author, a husband, and a father. This blog is probably going to have no effect on the second two items on that list, but the first...well, we'll see. I can't tell you what the content of this blog is going to be, because I honestly have no idea. I like to write, watch sports, read comic books, play video games, and pen & paper RPGs. What I can say is that this blog will, first and foremost, be an attempt at figuring out who I am. You might say that I'm discovery writing my life. Will it be pulp, or literature? I fancy myself an optimist, so I'd like to the latter. Maybe I am a little clever after all...

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